4. Each sentence has a mistake. Find it and correct it.


The pie is stuffed with mince mushrooms. - The pie is

stuffed with minced mushrooms.

1. With what would you like to begin?

2. Do you like a cup of tea?

3. Fry chicken is my favourite dish.

4. Caviar is rather sweet.

5. What would you like to dessert?

6. I'd like a saltiest fish.

7. Veal is poultry.

8. This salad consist of shrimps and herbs.

9. Boiled means cooked in fat or oil in a pan.

10. What would you like a starter?​


Ответ дал: Aehsonneh



1. What do you like to begin with?

2. Would you like a cup of tea?

3. Fried chicken is my favourite dish.

4. Caviar is rather salty.

5. What would you like for dessert?

6. I'd like a salted fish.

7. Veal is not a poultry.

8. This salad consists of shrimps and herbs.

9. Boiled beans cooked in fat or oil in a pan.

10. Would you like a starter?

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