1)To ____ people still smoke.
A. many
B. much
C. a lot of

2)She comes from ____ Netherlands.
A. the
B. -
C. a

3)Mathematics ____ too difficult for me.
A. is
B. are
C. -

4)The keys are in __________.
A. my pocket in the suit
B. the pocket of my suit
C. my suit's pocket

5)Parents always tell ineresting ____ about their children.
A. storyes
B. stories
C. storys

6)Pam works four times ____ week.
A. a
B. in a
C. of the

7)John stayed at home last night and listened to _____ radio.
A. -
B. the
C. a

8)Do you have ____ friends?
A. much
B. many
C. a lot of

9)____ moon moves slowly round ____ Earth.
A. The ... the
B. This ... the
C. - ... the

10)Jack has got a lot of ____ his girlfriendon the wall.
A. photos
B. photoes
C. photo


Ответ дал: Bronzor1

1) A. many

2) A. the

3) A. is

4) B. the pocket of my suit

5) B. stories

6) A. a

7) B. the

8) B. many

9) A. The ... the

10) A. photos

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