1. составить все типы вопросов к предложению: He watches tennis on TV on. Sunday
2.определить временную форму и залог глагола:
1 The library is usually closed at 6 o'clock.
2 They will be singing at the club.
3 The actress had returned from the USA.
4 The disco doesn't start at 7 o'clock.
5 The doors were painted last were.
6 She will buy a new dress next week.


Ответ дал: karina0520


  1. When does he watch TV?
  2. What does he watch on TV?
  3. Who does watch TV?
  4. On what does he watch tennis?

  1. Present Passive.
  2. Future Passive.
  3. Past Perfect Simple.
  4. Present Simple.
  5. Past Passive.
  6. Future Simple.
Ответ дал: MaryFairy211


Общий: Does he watch tennis on TV on Sunday?

Разделительный: He watches tennis on TV on Sunday, doesn't he?

Альтернативный: Does he watch tennis on TV on Sunday or on Saturday?

Специальный: What does he watch on TV on Sunday?

                          When does he watch tennis on TV?

                          What does he do on Sunday?

К подлежащему: Who watches tennis on TV on Sunday?


1 The library is usually closed at 6 o'clock. - Present Simple Passive

2 They will be singing at the club. - Future Continuous Active

3 The actress had returned from the USA. - Past Perfect  Active

4 The disco doesn't start at 7 o'clock. - Present Simple Active

5 The doors were painted last week. - Past Simple Passive

6 She will buy a new dress next week. - Future Simple Active

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