Используйте в предложениях или Pr. Simple или Pr. Cont.
1.)At 4 oclock the children(to come) home from school
2) He is at the airport now and he(to see) how people(to go) thdroudh passport control
3)At 7 Nick(to take)the children to school

Add the question word
1) ...........? John
2)..........? two students
3).............? Mrs West^s
4)...........? upstairs
5)..........? theese days


Ответ дал: Juliyasha11

1.)At 4 oclock the children come home from school.

2) He is at the airport now and he sees how people are going through passport control

3)At 7 Nick takes the children to school

Add the question word

1) Who ? John

2) How many ? two students

3) Whose ? Mrs West’s

4) Where? upstairs

5) When.? these days

realsvc2013: Благодарю!
Juliyasha11: Рада помочь
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