

Ответ дал: nunny

302. Your food a) is still being prepared

303. Goods at custom-houses. d) are examined

304. The event before they arrived home. b) had been reported

305. Nothing of David. d) was ever heard

306. Their engagement in the local paper. a) was announced

307. Your drinks in a moment. a) will be brought

308. The words "To be or not to be" Hamlet. c) were spoken by

309. The house the storm. c) was destroyed by

310. The railway line under tons of rock and earth. a) was buried

311. When c) was the letter posted?

312. I a letter by an unknown person yesterday. c) was given

313. Several problems the committee. a) were considered by

314. After the volcanic eruption of 1957 the railway station b) was completely destroyed

315. The new equipment the company. d) has been ordered by

316. Both motorways last year. a) were opened

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