Задание по английскому языку.
Complete the text with the past simple form of the verbs in the box .
Ten years ago went to the United States with my partner . We ... to San Francisco , drove a car , and then... to Arizona to visit the grand canyon and then Las Vegas and Lis Angeles . We ... a fantastic time ! We ... got on very well . We ... together for24 hours a day for ten days , but we only ... once - when we got lost! We got manied after that and are still together

Опорные слова : argue rent have not know fly be


Ответ дал: nunny

Ten years ago I went to the United States with my partner. We flew to San Francisco, rented a car, and then drove to Arizona to visit the grand canyon and then to Las Vegas and Los Angeles. We had a fantastic time! We got on very well. We were together for 24 hours a day for ten days, but we only argued once - when we got lost! We got married after that and are still together.

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