Допоможіть 7 вправу будь ласка!!!



Ответ дал: Jemilya

1. more famous

2. worst

3. more shy

4. friendlier

5. most modern

6. more expensive

7. more comfortable

8. more colourful

9. biggest

10. nicest

Ответ дал: nunny

Mick, Mack and Milly are three friends. Mack is a pop singer and Mick, his best friend, is a footballer. Mick is (famous) more famous, than Mack because Mack is the (worst) 2 singer in England. Milly is a teacher. She's (shier) 3 than Mick or Mack but she's (more friendly) 4. than her two friends. Mack has the (most modern) 5... sitting room of the three friends. His furniture is (more expensive) than Mick's but Mick's furniture is (more comfortable) Mick's room is (more colourful) than Mack's room and he's got the (biggest) 9 television in the street! I think Milly's room is the (nicest) 10

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