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Нужно употребить глаголы Past Simple, Past Continuous или Past Perfect

1) Yesterday Mike (to find) the book
which he (to lose) in summer.

2) He (to learn) English before he (to
go) to the USA

3) When Mary (to ring) me up, I still (to read ) the book which
my friend (to give) me

4) By the 1” of Sep yer all the
children (to return) from the country.

5) She (not to discuss) this problem with
her director at this time yesterday. They ( to discuss ) it last week

6) When David (to enter) the kitchen, he
(to see) that the cat (to drink) milk

7) Jane (to tell) me yesterday that you
(to buy) the nice shoes

8) What you (to do) at 8 o’clock
yesterday? — I (to repair) my car

9) We(not to bring) a lot of berries from
the wood.

10) What Kevin (to do) when you (to
ring) him up yesterday? — He (to type )
a letter


Ответ дал: MaryFairy211

1) Yesterday Mike found the book which he had lost in summer.

2) He had learnt English before he went to the USA.

3) When Mary rang me up, I was still reading the book which my friend had given me.

4) By the 1st of September all the children had returned from the country.

5) She wasn't discussing this problem with her director at this time yesterday. They discussed it last week.

6) When David entered the kitchen, he saw that the cat was drinking milk.

7) Jane told me yesterday that you had bought the nice shoes.

8) What were you doing at 8 o’clock yesterday? — I was repairing my car.

9) We didn't bring a lot of berries from the wood.

10) What was Kevin doing when you rang him up yesterday? — He was typing a letter.

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