Выразите удивление при помощи общего вопроса с отрицанием.

Пример: I don’t want any more meat. — (to like) Don’t you like it?

1. John is so late! — (here, yet)
2. My Dad can’t help me with the homework. — (to know English)
3. June phones her mother almost every day. — (to live together)
4. Mark would like to have a brother. — (to have an elder brother)
5. I’d like to enter this University. — (a student, now)
6. Mary says she needs new black shoes. — Why? (to have got)
7. I can’t play this game. — (to know the rules)
8. Whose magazines are these? — (yours)
9. Tommy is going to play football. — (to have a headache)
10. I often have to go out to have dinner. — (your wife, cook well)


Ответ дал: MaryFairy211

1. John is so late! — Isn't he here yet?

2. My Dad can’t help me with the homework. — Doesn't he know English?

3. June phones her mother almost every day. — Don't they live together?

4. Mark would like to have a brother. — Doesn't he have an elder brother?

5. I’d like to enter this University. — Aren't you a student now?

6. Mary says she needs new black shoes. — Why? Hasn't she got them?

7. I can’t play this game. — Don't you know the rules?

8. Whose magazines are these? — Aren't they yours?

9. Tommy is going to play football. — Doesn't he have a headache?

10. I often have to go out to have dinner. — Doesn't your wife cook well?

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