What did she discover?
What did she do next?
What other things do they have in common?
why were they worried?
what do they call each other?
What problem did they once have?
what are they definitely not going to do?
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Ответ дал: ПетяСемечкин
  • She discovered that they had more in common than just their name.
  • She did realise that they were in love next.
  • They have some things in common : they both love the beach, and they both really enjoy cooking.
  • They were worried because they thought they were somehow related.
  • They call each other 'Kelly boy' and 'Kelly girl'.
  • Once, they had a problem with booking travelling tickets from the travel agent, which was nearly cancelled.
  • They are definitely not going to call their child Kelly as they do not want more confusion.
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