Вставьте неопределенные местоимения some, any или артикль a/an (а - перед согласными, an перед гласными) в пропуски.
a. I need ___ textbooks in English. Do you have ___ books?
b. There are ___ good restaurants near here.
с Have you got ___ brothers or sisters?
d. Do you have ___ dining room?
e. There is ___ electric cooker.
f. I do not have ___ money in my pockets, but I have ___ money in the bank.
g. I want ___ butter. Is there ___ butter in the fridge?

Вставьте somebody, something, anybody, anything, somewhere, anywhere в пропуски.
h '-What is wrong?"
"There is ____ in my eye." "Let me have a look. I can not see _____ ."
i. I want ___ interesting to read.
j. There is not ___ in the box. It is empty.
k. Jane works ____ in the center of the town.
I. We do not know ___ in London.
m. There is ____ at the door. Can you open it, please?
n. I do not go ____ these days.
o. Close your eyes! I have ____ for you.
p. I do not know ___ about computers.


Ответ дал: khursandov


a - some/any

b - some

c - any

d - a

e - an

f - any/some

g - a/a

h - something/anything

i - something

j - anything

k - somewhere

l - anybody

m - somebody

n - anywhere

o - something

p - anything

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