Заполните пропуски модальными глаголами: can, may, must:

1) … I come in?

2) You not smoke here.

3) … take your book? –I am afraid not: I need it.

4) He … not speak English yet.

5) I have very little time: I … go.

6) They … not go to the park today because they are busy.

7) You … read this text: it is easy enough.

8) … you tell me the nearest way to the city museum?

9) … I find a pen on that table?

10) You … go when you have finished your compositions.

11) Be careful: you … spill the milk if you carry it like that.

12) Mast children … slide on the ice very well.

13) Only a person who knows the language very well … answer such a questions.

14) The school was silent: nothing … be heard in the long dark corridors.

15) She asked me if she … use my telephone.


Ответ дал: catty4


1. may

2. can

3. can

4. can

5. must

6 can

7 can

8 can

9 may

10 may

11 may

12 can

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