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Ответ дал: onlyforulonely


1. Learning that his newspaper had been taken over by a publisher, he resigned from this position.

2. Declining his offer of a loan, I said that I didn't like owing people money.

3. The demonstrator protesting violently was led away by the police.

4. Visiting a strange city, I'd like to have a guide with me.

5. Motorists intending to take their cars with them to the Continent are advised to make early reservations.

6. Having heard your side of a question, I am more inclined to agree with you.


Clauses beginning with a past participle have a PASSIVE meaning (E.g.: The children caught in the rainstorm came home soaked = The children who were caught ...).

Clauses beginning with a present participle have an active meaning (E.g.: The team playing in red is Chile = The team that is playing in red ...)

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