Вставьте глагол в утвердительную форму простого настоящего времени.
1. I ___good marks. (to get)
2. Rita ____ exercises. (to do)
3. We often _____ the table. (to lay)
4. Tim and Pat _____pictures. (to upload)
5. Oliver always _____fun. (to have)
6. Maria sometimes _____-their room. (to tidy up)
7. He often _____new shoes. (to buy)
8. The dog never ________out of the house. (to run)
9. You _________your glasses. (to need)
10. She __________snakes. (to touch)


Ответ дал: MaryFairy211

1. I get good marks. (to get)  

2. Rita does exercises. (to do)  

3. We often lay the table. (to lay)  

4. Tim and Pat upload pictures. (to upload)  

5. Oliver always has fun. (to have)  

6. Maria sometimes tidies up their room. (to tidy up)  

7. He often buys new shoes. (to buy)  

8. The dog never runs out of the house. (to run)  

9. You need your glasses. (to need)  

10. She touches snakes. (to touch)

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