помогите вставить пропуски:
1) ... Rock Garden Cafe is half way up ..... Quee Street.
a) the, the
б) the, -
в) -, -
г) the, a
д) a, a
2) Careful students do not ..... mistakes.
a) make
б) do
в) get
г) take
д) give
3) Our new employee works really.....
a) fast
б) fastly
в) quick
г) noisy
д) the fast
4) Would you like ..... us after the meeting?
a) joining
б) to join
в) join
г) joined
д) joint
5) This task ...... by the Sales Department last month.
a) was completing
б) completed
в) was competed
г) has completed
д) is completed
6) If they .... the flight in advance, they would reach the destination on time.
a) would book
б) book
в) booked
г) had booked
д) will book
7) The Director called the secretary while she ..... the letter.
a) has been typing
б) typed
в) is typing
г) was typing
д) would
8) This is a no-entry area of the factory. We ..... go in, unless we want troubles.
a) must
б) mustn't
в) can
г) needn't
д) do not have to
9) There ..... useful information in this booklet.
a) is a lot of
б) is many
в) are many
г) are much
д) are a lot of

10) Ted leads a very healthy lifestyle. He ..... drinks nor smokes.
a) neither
б) nor
в) either
г) or
д) never
11) Do you know what time ....?
a) will the meeting start
б) does the meeting start
в) the meeting does start
г) the meeting starts
д) does the meeting starts
12) The car ...... so we missed the ferry.
a) broke off
б) cut down
в) went down
г) broke in
д) broke down

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2 а

3 а

4 б

5 в

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7 г

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12 д

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