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Ответ дал: mrskris87
4)some chocolate cakes
5)They all sat in the living room and had tea with cakes
6)on Tuesday
7)A new bike.
Ответ дал: nunny

At his grandparents' house, Ben said, *Hello", to his grandma and grandad and his mum gave them some chocolate cakes. In the afternoon, they all say in the living room and had tea with cakes. Grandma's cat was next to the sofa Grandad said, "It's your birthday on Tuesday, Ben. What would you like? Ben answered, "A new bike, please!"

4 What did Ben's mum give Grandma and Grandad? His mum gave them some chocolate cakes.

5 What did they have in the afternoon? In the afternoon, they had tea with cakes.

6 When is Ben's birthday?  His birthday is on Tuesday.

7 What would Ben like for his birthday? He would like a new bike.

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