Choose the proper adverb and translate the sentences

1. I can't believe she has left for London. She was here ... two days ago. 2. I'm interested to know whether I could ... rely on you. 3. If I'm not mistaken, she hasn't come back ... from her business trip to Manchester. 4. "Would you like to have ... sandwich?" "One ... please, thank you.5. You have not told me ... how you are going to settle all the matters.

6. I hate watching serials. Let's change the channel and see something ...

7. Though it is ... rather early I'm sure you must be off. 8. It is known that Americans celebrated their first Thanksgiving Day ... 1621. 9. What ... be­sides sociology do you take up at the University? 10. She was ... scared but some minutes later she was calm. 11. He looked at her once ... with delight. 12. The American Constitution was adopted ... 1878. 13. Don't worry, it is ... 12 o'clock. We have enough time


Ответ дал: nunny

1. I can't believe she has left for London. She was here only two days ago.

2. I'm interested to know whether I could fully rely on you.

3. If I'm not mistaken, she hasn't come back yet from her business trip to Manchester.

4. "Would you like to have another sandwich?" "One more please, thank you.

5. You have not told me yet how you are going to settle all the matters.

6. I hate watching serials. Let's change the channel and see something else.

7. Though it is yet rather early I'm sure you must be off.

8. It is known that Americans celebrated their first Thanksgiving Day after 1621.

9. What else be­sides sociology do you take up at the University?

10. She was very scared but some minutes later she was calm.

11. He looked at her once again with delight.

12. The American Constitution was adopted after 1878.

13. Don't worry, it is only 12 o'clock. We have enough time.

1. Не могу поверить, что она уехала в Лондон. Она была здесь всего два дня назад.

2. Мне интересно знать, могу ли я полностью положиться на вас.

3. Если не ошибаюсь, она еще не вернулась из деловой поездки в Манчестер.

4. - Хочешь еще сандвич?- Еще один, пожалуйста, спасибо.

5. Вы еще не сказали мне, как собираетесь уладить все дела.

6. Ненавижу смотреть сериалы. Давай переключим канал и посмотрим что-нибудь еще.

7. Хотя еще довольно рано, я уверен,что вам пора.

8. Известно, что американцы отметили свой первый День благодарения после 1621 года.

9. Чем еще, кроме социологии, вы занимаетесь в Университете?

10. Она была очень напугана, но через несколько минут успокоилась.

11. Он снова посмотрел на нее с восторгом.

12. Американская Конституция была принята после 1878.

13. Не волнуйтесь, сейчас только 12 часов. У нас достаточно времени.

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