Прочитайте текст, выберите и вставьте вместо каждого пропуска нужную грамматическую форму, записав номер грамматической формы в соответствующую ячейку таблицы.

Last Thursday we decided to go to (A) ____ countryside. We (B) ________ the house and met our friends. They invited _______(C) to the circus to watch the new performance. They said: “Let’s go together. There (D) ________ two extra tickets. The show is great. You (E) _______ such chance again!”

A 1) an 2) - 3) a 4) the

B 1) leaved 2) will leave 3) left 4) leave

C 1) us 2) him 3) her 4) them

D 1) is 2) were 3) was 4) are

E 1) never get 2) will never get 3) never got 4) will get never

Прочитайте текст, выберите и вставьте вместо каждого пропуска нужную грамматическую форму, записав номер грамматической формы в соответствующую ячейку таблицы.

Last year we went to (A) ____________Egypt. We had (B) __________ amazing holiday. On the (C) ______ day we saw the Pyramids. They’re fantastic! Then we went on a boat trip down (D) ___________River Nile. We were not lucky to visit the museum in Cairo. Next holidays we (D) ________ to do it.

A 1) – 2) an 3) a 4) the

B 1)- 2) a 3) an 4) the

C 1) four 2) fourth 3) forth 4) the fourth

D 1) the 2) an 3) a 4) –

E 1) went 2) go 3) is going 4) are going

Прочитайте текст, выберите и вставьте вместо каждого пропуска нужную грамматическую форму, записав номер грамматической формы в соответствующую ячейку таблицы.

Last year we went to (A) ____________Egypt. We had (B) __________ amazing holiday. On the (C) ______ day we saw the Pyramids. They’re fantastic! Then we went on a boat trip down (D) ___________River Nile. We were not lucky to visit the museum in Cairo. Next holidays we (D) ________ to do it.

A 1) – 2) an 3) a 4) the

B 1)- 2) a 3) an 4) the

C 1) four 2) fourth 3) forth 4) the fourth

D 1) the 2) an 3) a 4) –

E 1) went 2) go 3) is going 4) are going

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Ответ дал: slyuda1955

1 ,текст

A 4

B 3

C 1

D 4

E 2

2 и 3 тексты одинаковые

A 1

B 3

C 2

D 1

E 4

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