Помогите плиз) Test 14. Fill in the spaces in the following text using a suitable form of the words given at the end of the lines. The ___ (1) of fingerprints reached Britain in 1901 and systematize

proved ___ (2). In 1930, Scotland Yard set up its first use

___ (3) system to enable officers to compare fingerprints found on classify

the scene of the crime with those of ___ (4) known to the crime

police. Fingerprint technology has advanced ___ (5) since then. great

Different types of powder are used to ___ (6) the impression of the strength

fingerprint before it is taken. Another ___ (7) revolutionary

has been in the way that fingerprints are identified. Today, the

first ___ (8) is done by the computer, which then produces searching

a ___ (9) of possible matches. The final ___ (10) however is select

done by police experts. identify


Ответ дал: MaryFairy211

The (1) systematization of fingerprints reached Britain in 1901 and proved (2) ­­­­­­useful. In 1930, Scotland Yard set up its first (3) classification system to enable officers to compare fingerprints found on the scene of crime with those of (4) criminals known to the police. Fingerprint technology has advanced (5) greatly since then. Different types of powder are used to (6) strengthen the impression of the fingerprint before it is taken. Another (7) revolution has been in the way that fingerprints are identified. Today, the first (8) search is done by the computer, which then produces a (9) selection of possible matches. The final (10) identificaion, however, is done by police experts.

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