Помогите пожалуйста очень надо.
Нужно поставить артикль the где надо
1)(London/The London)has a very long story.
2)(Thames/The Themes) is the biggest river in England.
3)(Australia/The Australia) is a very colorful continent .
4)(Everest/The Everest)is the highest mountain in the world.
5)... Russian Federation
6)... Mexico
7)... Moscow
8)... UK
9)... Pasific Ocean
10)... Egypt
11)... United States of America
12)... Atlantic Ocean
13)... Netherland

Аноним: Thames , the Themes?
surishka1982: .?
Awfed: 2, 8, 9, 11, 12, 13 the netherlandS


Ответ дал: yourpersonallinguist


1. London

2. The Themes

3. Australia

4. The Everest

5. -

6. -

7. -

8. the

9. the

10. -

11. the

12 . the

13. the

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