помогите сделать задание во вложениях



Ответ дал: MaryFairy211

1) ...she got restless and slept badly

2) I awoke at dawn...

3) ... were damp.

4) He raised his voice...

5) ...in his flat permanently but I seldom...

6) The woman rose clumsily and...

7) She is very impatient with...

8) ...she began to put on weight.

9) ...will prevent the economy from the rise.

10) ...amazed at the resemblance...

Ответ дал: Olga8128


Задача заключается в том, чтобы заменить выделенные курсивом слова в тексте на их антонимы в таблице. Вот, как это можно сделать:

1.  Restful → restless; well → badly.

2. Fell asleep → awoke.

3. Dry → damp.

4. Lowered → raised.

5. From time to time → permanently.

6. Gracefully → clumsily.

7. Patient → impatient.

8. To lose → to put on.

9. Will stimulate → prevent from.

10. Difference → resemblance.

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