Помогите, плиз, с домашним заданием.
Choose the correct options.

1 All the staff think you shall / should apply for the new manager job.
2 May/ Could you send in the next candidate, please?
3 I can't/ mustn't understanda thing Sharon is saying.
4 I can see you're busy. Shall / Must I give Pam a call for you?
5 Having a new CEO must / may help the situation here at work.
6 The company shall/ might not invest in WEK any more.
7 Unfortunately. I can't/ couldn't make last Tuesday's meeting.


Ответ дал: MaryFairy211

1 All the staff think you should apply for the new manager job.

2 Could you send in the next candidate, please?

3 I can't understand a thing Sharon is saying.

4 I can see you're busy. Shall I give Pam a call for you?

5 Having a new CEO may help the situation here at work.

6 The company might not invest in WEK any more.

7 Unfortunately, I couldn't make last Tuesday's meeting.

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