Преобразуйте следующие вопрос. предлож. в косвенную речь. Начните ваши вопросы словами : She asked или She wanted to know . Сделайте необходимые изменения.



Ответ дал: AnastasiyaPirs99

1)Bill wanted to know if I had enjoyed the concert  the day before;

2)She asked If I had been seriously ill

3)Tom wanted to know If I had seen new film that month

4)Father wanted to know who had given Nick money

5)She asked why you hadn’t rung up us before eight

6)Alice asked what kind of dress Mary had bought

7)I asked her If she had been to England

8)Rose wanted to know where I had put her umbrella

9)She asked who Harry had gone to seaside with

10)Mark wanted to know If I had gone there by bus or by train

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