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Ответ дал: AnastasiyaPirs99
Sally hadn’t finished painting the room when I called her

As soon as I entered the house I realized that somebody had broken in

We hadn’t started eating until all guests arrived

By the time the police arrived the thieves had got away

After the famous actress had won an Oscar she retired

She hadn’t served dinner until all family came home

Natalie hadn’t graduated from university when they offered her a job

I had finished my homework by the time I went to bed
Ответ дал: Аноним

1) Sally had not finished painting the room when I called her.

2) As soon as I entered the house I realized that somebody had broken in.

3) We had not started eating until all guests arrived.

4) By the time the police arrived the thieves had got away.

5) After the famous actress had won an Oscar she retired.

6) She had not served dinner until all family came home.

7) Natalie had not graduated from university when they offered her a job.

8) I had finished my homework by the time I went to bed.

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