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Ответ дал: nunny

Choose the correct alternative in each sentence.

1 He (used to) have long hair.

2 I'm not used to telling other people what to do.

3 Have you got used to living in the city yet?

4 My father would take us out for a meal on his birthday.

5 He isn't used to driving such a big car.

6 Graham wasn't used to the routine when he first arrived.

7 I could never get used to staying out so late.

8 Did you use to get a lot of pocket money?

9 They would send us a card every Christmas.

10 I used to understand German when I was a child.

Complete the sentences with used to, would or be/get used to in the correct form.

When I lived with my parents, I used to/would go to sleep at 9 pm, but now I've got used staying up late.

2 I find it difficult to driving on the left. I think it will take me some time.

3 She would never go out at night.

4 Mark will never getused to learning history by heart. He finds it difficult.

5 When Sally worked for an advertising agency, she (did not use to) leave work until 6 pm every evening.

6 The students have got used to studying hard as their teacher is very demanding.

7 Mary and her sister used to study together when they were students.

8 I am used to having orange juice and eggs for breakfast.

9 His parents (are not used to) eating out every night.

10 My father used to smoke, but he gave up when his doctor told him to stop.

sitkinv: 4 My father would take us / used to out for a meal on his birthday.

9 They would/used to send us a card every Christmas.
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