синий мерфи 123 юнит все 3 упражнения 15 баллов​ пожалуйста. заранее спасибо.


Аноним: пж


Ответ дал: MaryFairy211


2 on the arm

3 at the traffic lights

4 a) on the door

   b) in the door

5 on the wall

6 in Paris

7 a) at the gate

  b) on the gate

8 on the beach


2 on my guitar

3 at the next petrol station

4 in your coffee

5 on that tree

6 in the mountains

7 on the island

8 at the window


2 on

3 at

4 on

5 in

6 on

7 at

8 in, in

9 on

10 in

11 on, in

12 at

Ответ дал: KateVishnevskaya


2) on his arm

3) at the traffic lights

4) on the door

5) on the wall

6) in Paris

7) at the gate

8) on the beach


2) on my guitar

3) at the next petrol station

4) in your coffee

5) on that tree

6) in the mountains

7) on the island

8) at the window


2) on

3) at

4) on

5) in

6) on

7) at

8) in, in

9) on

10) in

11) on, in

12) at

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