Помогите пожалуйста срочно!!!



Ответ дал: DianaFostenko
Задание 3
1.He doesn’t like heavy traffic
2.Do you usually travel by car?
3.I am going to the library today
4.The police are running after a shoplifter
5.We drive eight miles every morning
6.They are milking cows at the moment
7.Oxford street is very noisy always
8.Do you feed the chickens every day?
9.Are you going to King’s cross by tube?
Задание 8.3
4.is singing
5.is wanting
6.you read
7.you are sitting
8.i am not understanding
9.i am going , are you coming
10.does your father finish
11.i am not listening
12.he is cooking
13.doesn’t usually drive , usually walks
14.doesn’t like , she prefers
вроде так , но я не до конца уверена
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