Помогите, плиз, с домашним заданием.
Fill in can, have to, may, might, must, need, should or (not) allowed to.
1. George has travelled a lot. He ____ speak many languages.
2. I can hear you quite well. You______ not shout.
3. I'm not sure where I will go for my holidays, but I_______ go to Italy.
4. She______ ride her bike at night without lights. It's not allowed.
5. She________ not eat so much chocolate because it's bad for her figure.
6. I ______ understand him.He should speak louder.
7. It's later than I thought. I_______ go now.
8. You_______find a better trainer if you want to improve yourself.
9. Talk to Ann about your problems. I'm sure she______ help you.
10. You______ not vacuum the carpets because Carol has already done it.
11. You______ be tired because you have worked very hard.
12. He______ come to my party because he is ill.
13. He_______ go to the dentist when he has toothache.
14. It's not very important. You____ not do it now. You ____ do it tomorrow.
15._______ you speak many languages?
16. I don't know what I'm doing this weekend, but I_____ go to London.
17. Smoking is very unhealthy. You_____ stop it.
18. Playing football_____ in this park.
19. You have got plenty of time. You______ not hurry.
20. You_____ have a passport to visit most foreign countries.


Ответ дал: KateVishnevskaya

1 can

2 need

3 may

4 shouldn't

5 should

6 can't

7 should

8 need

9 can

10 need

11 must

12 can't

13 should

14 need, can

15 can

16 may

17 should

18 isn't allowed

19 need

20 must

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