13 F ad the situations and complete the sentences.
1 t's raining. It's been raining since lunchtime. It started raining
- at lunchting
2 Ann and Sue are friends. They first met years ago. They've known each other for vears
3 oe is ill. He became ill on Sunday. He has
Sun la
4 oe is ill. He became ill a few days ago. He has
. a few days
S iz is married. She's been married for a year. She got
€ You have a headache. It started when you woke up.
- I woke up.
7 Sue has been in Italy for the last three weeks.
She went
{ Yoe're working in a hotel. You started six months ago.

MaryFairy211: много опечаток и пропусков. Проверьте текст задания, пожалуйста


Ответ дал: nunny

13 Read the situations and complete the sentences.

1 It started raining at lunchtime.

2 Ann and Sue have known each other for years.

3 Joe has been ill since Sunday.

4 Joe has been ill for a few days.

5 Liz got married a year ago.

6 I have had a headache since I woke up.

7 Sue went to Italy three weeks ago.

8 I've been working in a hotel for six months.

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