Underline the correct item.

1 I'm not believing/don't believe a word you're
telling me.
2 I drive/'m driving to work tomorrow; do you
want/are you wanting me to give you a lift?
3 There seems/is seeming to be a problem with
the computer. Do you know/Are you knowing
how to fix it?
4 I'm not liking/don't like the show that we
watch/'re watching. Let's see if there's
something else on.
5 Chris isn't very good at maths, so whenever he
is needing/needs help, his sister helps/is
helping him.
6 Rachel now only shops/is shopping at the new
shopping centre, because she is thinking/
thinks that the shops there have great prices.​


Ответ дал: slyuda1955

1 don't believe

2 I'm driving,want

3 seems,do you know

4 don't like,/re watching

5 needs,helps

6 is shopping, thinks

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