Перевод текста

Здравствуйте мистер андерсон.

Как вы?мы решили все вопросы с нашими покупателями.

Они ждут от нас документы которые требуются для сделки.

Если вас не затруднит,вечером об этом поговорим.


Ответ дал: AnastasiyaPirs99

Hello Mr. Anderson
How are you? We have resolved all issues with our customers.

They are waiting for the documents that are required for the deal.

If it does not bother you, we'll talk about it in the evening.
Ответ дал: doctor76493

Hello Mr. Anderson. How are you? We have resolved all issues with our customers. They are warting for the documents that are required for the transaction. If it does not bother you, we'll talk about it in the evening.

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