Помогите пожалуйста срочно!
1. We ... (fly) non-stop for eleven hours before we get to Chicago.
2. The children ... (be) really hungry when they ... (get) home because
they ... (run) around all afternoon without any food.
3. She ... (leave) for work before the children come home from school.
4. I can't meet you tomorrow aftemoon. I ... (have) business lunch with
our potential customers.
5. The fair ... (open) on 24 January and ... (finish) on 4 February.
6. Hopefully she ... (cook) supper for us by the time we ... (get) home.
7. They hoped that she ... (cook) supper by the time they ... (get) home.
8. ... you (stay) long in Minsk, Mr. Stanton?
9. We ... (return) the book to the library after we ... (examine) it.
10. Jane promised that she ... (phone) us again at the end of the month.
11. By the time you ... (get) back, all the food ... (go).
12. I ... (let) him know as soon as I ... (hear) the news.
13. Supposing it ... (rain). What ... we do?
14. I don't think I can put you up for the night because my cousins ...
(stay) with us this weekend.
15. If she doesn't come, I... (be) upset.​


Ответ дал: olyan44670


1. will be flying

2. will be hungry, get, have been running

3. leaves

4. I'm heaving

5. opens, finishes

6. will have cooked, get

7. had cooked, got

8. Are you staying

9. will return, examine

10. would phone

11. get, will be gone

12. will let, hear

13. is going to rain, should

14. are staying

15. will be

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