пожалуйста, помогите с английским.
Three of the four underlined modal phrases contain an error related to modals. Can you explain why each of these underlined areas is (or is not) wrong? Discuss with a partner.

Internet Business
For a new Internet business, a good e-business plan SHOULD TO OFFER detailed answers to basic questions. To begin, the planners need to determine if an Internet business WILL MEET the needs of a group of customers. Furthermore, the planning process SHOULD PROVIDES planners with information than CAN HELPING them to identify and select groups of potential buyers, direct development of the online product or service, as well as the promotion, pricing, and distribution effort.


Ответ дал: slyuda1955

Should offer-to не ставится после should

Should provide-provides нельзя т.к. стоит окончание -s-.а нужен инфинитив без частички -to.

Can help-helping нельзя,т.к.после can стоит инфинитив без частички-to-

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