Read the sentences and complete them logically with should/shouldn't + one of the verbs in the table. Write the answers with a comma (,). Don't write full sentences.


visit, listen

0. You _____ to private conversations.

00. If you want a change, you _____ some new places.

Example answer: shouldn't listen, should visit

DO NOT write 'should not'. Write the short form 'shouldn't'.

look, do, take, invite, use

1. The government _____ more to help homeless people.

2. She drives everywhere. She never walks. She ______ her car so much.

3. Your salary is very low. You _____ for another job.

4. What a beautiful view! You _____ a photograph.

5. We _____ Helen to the party. She is rude to people.


Ответ дал: KOPJIEOHE


1) Should do

2)Shouldn't use

3)Should look

4)Should take

5)Shouldn't invite


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