Пересказать от 3 лица используя притяжательные глаголы Dear Miguel,
Hi! I Bill Phelps and i'm thirteen years old. I'm from Sydney, Australia. Here is a photo of my family and our relatives.
My parents' name Sue and Sam. My dad is short with dark heir. My mum is tall with short, hair hair. I haven't got a brother but i've got two sisters. They're twins. Their names are Kim and Kate are they're eight yeats old. Mike is my father's brother. He's a doctor and he's married to Janet. They've got txo children, Johnny and Gill. Tom and Beth are my grandparents. They are in their late sixties.
Well, that's all about me and my family. Please write soon and tell me about you family. Send a pucture, too.
Bye for now,


Ответ дал: slyuda1955

His name is Bill Phelps.He is thirteen.He is from Sydney, Australia.He has got a big family.His parents' names are Sue and Sam.His dad is short with dark hair.His mum is tall with short fair hair.He has got a brother and two sisters.His sisters are twins.Their names are Kim and Kate.They are eight.His uncle's name is Mike.He is a doctor.His wife's name is Janet.Their children are Jonny and Gill.His grandparents' names are Tom and Beth.They are in their late sixties.

ps0606yox4urg: Спасибо, бро. Просто опаздываю я бы и сам сделал, а так ты хорошо справился
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slyuda1955: Я не знаю никаких фестивалей.а какая страна хоть?
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lololypseij: страна россия
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