Put words in proper order 1. At, we, flat, Alexander's, are. 2 Have, at, canteen, the, dinner, we. 3. Her, usually, she, only, sings, for, friends 4. Streets, the, in, are, the, of, shopping, Helsinki, in, very, city, centre, the. 5. Hobby, what, a, is, likes, person, in, spare, to, time, do, or, his, her. 6. Meets, problem, his, he, to, friends, discuss, this, with. 7. All, we, writing, and, do, sorts, of, reading, activities. 8. Lessons, at, they, English, exercises films, to, listen, watch, texts, the, make, and


Ответ дал: spec7777


1 we are at alexs flat

2 we have dinner at the canteen

3 she usually sings  only for her friends

4 the streets in the helsinki are very shopping of the city centre


6 he meets with his friends to discuss this problem

7 we all do writing and reading  sorts of activites



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