помогите пожалуйста срочно​



Ответ дал: lazaretsolia

1. They showed me the pictures, they had taken during their holidays.

2. In the evening, children told their daddy what they had seen at the zoo.

3. The boy was sorry of  what he had done.

4. My friend ate up all the biscuit we baked.

5. The teacher corrected the tests we wrote.

6. I gave them some of the candies I bought.

7. My sister didn`t see the note that I had left on the kitchen table for her.

8. We wanted to watch a film that we hadn`t seen before.

9. When Simon went out to play, he had done his homework.

10. Before that day in winter, the African work hadn`t seen snow in his life.

11. She gave me the book that she had read.

12. We went to London because the Queen had invited us for tea.  

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