Bag, board, books, bookshelf, desk, dictionary, laptop, notebook, pen, pencil ,pencil ,sharpener ,rubber, ruler ,нужно на английском составить 14 предложения с эти словами заранее спасибо


Ответ дал: semyonova771


  1. Tom has got a bag.
  2. He is writing on the board.
  3. They take books from the library.
  4. There are some books on the bookshelf.
  5. There  are 15 desks in our classroom.
  6. Use the dictioanary to translate the text.
  7. I have a laptop.
  8. We write in our notebooks.
  9. We use pens to write.
  10. Can I borrow your pencil, please?
  11. How many pencils have you got?
  12. There is a sharpener on the desk.
  13. I haven't got a rubber.
  14. My ruler is blue.


Ответ дал: natalyachagay


1) My mother bought me a beautiful bag.

2) The board in our class is green.

3) I always buy an interesting books from

4) There is a new and wide bookshelf in my room.

5) I have my own desk in my room.

6) where can I find a good English dictionary?

7) my parents give me laptop on my birthday.

8) I broke my lovely notebook, yesterday.

9) I lost my pen in the school last week.

10) the teacher ask us to bring a pencil next lesson.

11) my sharpener is bad, it broke all my pencils.

12) I buy a rubber as a star form.

13) there are 4 different rulers in my bags.


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