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Мою лучшую подругу зовут Марина.Ей 14 лет.у неё есть старшая сестра по имени Настя. Ещё у неё есть кот и 2 попугая, кота зовут Тимон, а попугаев Милка и Гриша. Она увлекается рисованием и любит слушать музыку. Некто меня так не понимает как она. Мы с ней хорошо проводим время и часто смеёмся. С Мариной я дружу 8 лет и вдвоём нам не бывает скучно​


Ответ дал: vikatenesly


My best friend's name is Marina.She is 14 years old.she has an older sister named Nastya. She also has a cat and 2 parrots, the cat's name is Timon, and parrots milk and Grisha. She enjoys drawing and listening to music. Someone didn't understand how she's. We have a good time and laugh a lot. Marina and I have been friends for 8 years and together we are never bored​

Ответ дал: vikatish


My best friend is Marina. She is 14 years old. She has an older sister, her name is Nastya. She also has a cat and two parrots, the cat’s name is Timon, and the parrots are Milka and Grisha. She is interested in drawing and she likes to listen to music. Nobody understands me as she does. We have a good time and we often laugh. I have been friends with Marina for 8 years and we are never bored together.


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