Помогите пожалуйста умоляю помогите



Ответ дал: gulerismaylova


1. A: what are you doing

B:am waiting

2. A: when do you play

B: it is raining

3. A: helps

B: wants

4. A: why are you hurrying

B: leaves

5. A: Is Ulan sleeping

B: he is reading

6. A: look

B: I am studying

Ответ дал: 14xuligan14

1) A: Dina, what are you doing here?

B: I am waiting for Kairat.

2) A: When do you play basketball?

B: Every day, but today it's raining.

3) A: Ulan sometimes helps at the animal shelter after school.

B: I know. He wants to become a vet.

4) A: Why are you in a hurry?

B: I'm late. My bus leaves at 10:00

5) A: Is Ulan sleeping?

B: No, he is reading in his bedroom.

6) A: You look tired, Aru.

B: I am. I study a lot these days.

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