Complete the questions with the words in the box . Then match questions 1-6 with answers a—f.



Ответ дал: vitaogai


1. Where. Canada (b).

2. What. Robert (a).

3. Who. George Clooney (e).

4. How. Twelve (f).

5. When. 10th November (d).

6. How many. Two (c).

Ответ дал: nunny

Interrogative pronouns

1 Complete the questions with the words in the box. Then match questions 1-6 with answers a-f.

What Where How many Who When How

1 Where are you from? b Canada.

2 What's your name? a Robert.

3 Who 's your favourite actor? e George Clooney.

4 How old are you? f Twelve.

5 When your birthday? d 10th November.

6 How many brothers and sisters have you got? c Two.

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