Choose the correct particle. Make sentences using the other option. Dana never expected her dream job to turn into/off a nightmare. 2 Saule got a great job offer, but she turned it off/down. 3 Don't forget to turn up/off the lights before you leave work. 4 Damir didn't turn up/into for work yesterday. He was ill. 5 He has no one else to turn to/down but his brother.


Ответ дал: HellishHelen

1. Dana never expected her dream job to turn into a nightmare.

2 Saule got a great job offer, but she turned it down.

3 Don't forget to turn off the lights before you leave work.

4 Damir didn't turn up for work yesterday. He was ill.

5 He has no one else to turn to but his brother.


1. Дана никогда не ожидала, что работа ее мечты превратится в кошмар.

2 Сауле получила отличное предложение о работе, но она отказалась.

3 Не забудь выключить свет перед уходом с работы.

4 Дамир вчера не пришел на работу. Он был болен.

5 Ему не к кому обратиться, кроме своего брата.

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