Сделай из утвердительных предложений вопросительные.
1) It often rains in Britain.
2) My elder sister studies at the university.
3) Her grandparents live in a village.
4) Rita watches films about animals very often.
5) These pupils speak English well.
6) You help your mother about the house every day.
7) His granny bakes her famous pies on Sundays.
8) Her dog often fights with cats. Пожалуйста помогите срочно спасибо заранее​



Ответ дал: kytermq


Does it rain often in Britain?

Does her older sister study at the university?

Does her grandparents live in a village?

Does Rita watch films about animals often?

Do these pupils speak English well?

Do you help your mother about the house everyday?

Does his granny bake her famous pies on Sundays?

Does her dog often fights with cats?

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