Language focus
3 Write sentences with have got, has got, haven't
got or hasn't got.
Tania / a book about art X
Tania hasn't got a book about art.
1 My friends / a good computer game v
2 Olivia / a poster of the Arsenal team v
3 Tim / a black belt in judo x
4 We / a CD by Coldplay X
5 1/a photo of my class
6 You/ a camera X
7 Peter / a horrible rat v
8 My friends / pets X


Аноним: задавай свои вопросы на сайте ирмикс.топ отвечают сами админы и без всяких баллов


Ответ дал: ShirokovP

1 My friends have got a good computer game

2 Olivia has got a poster of the Arsenal team

3 Tim hasn't got a black belt in judo

4 We haven't got  a CD by Coldplay

5 I have got a photo of my class

6 You haven't got a camera

7 Peter has got  a horrible rat

8 My friends haven't got  pets

katiakimmi: спасибо
aizere2007: привет
aizere2007: Write true sentences. Use affirmative or
negative forms of the verbs.
we/need / ID cards We don't need ID cards.
1 l/like/jewellery
2 my parents /use/ a laptop
3 l/collect/cinema tickets
4 we/wear/jeans at school
5 our teachers / give / us lots of homework
6 1/ study / French
7 my best friends / live / near me
8 we/ start/school at 8.30 a.m.
aizere2007: помогите решить задачу
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