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Ответ дал: Gigi321



1. Do you usually eat vegetables?  

2. Sorry, I can't talk now. I'm brushing my teeth.  

3. Sandy doesn't drink alcohol very often.  

4. They work at the factory from Monday to Friday.  

5. Listen! Somebody is shouting.  

6. He doesn't have time now. He is doing his homework.  

7. How often does she go to the dentist?

8. We go out for dinner every Saturday night.  

9. Be quiet! I am studying for tomorrow's exam.  

10. She's not at home at the moment. I think she is doing the shopping.


Gigi321: Ex 2. 1. Yes, I do. 2. No, they aren´t. 3. Yes, he is. 4. No, I´m not. 5. No, she isn´t. 6. Yes, he does. 7. Yes, they do. 8. No, I´m not. 9. Yes, he(she) does. 10. Yes, he is.
Gigi321: Ex 3. 1. They want to go home now. 2. I don’t have time at the moment. 3. Anne is not here. She is doing the shopping right now. 4. Your friends attend Italian lessons on Thursdays.
Injumarjan2503: Спасибо огромное
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