Помогите ПОЖАЛУЙСТА !! Придумать одно предложение (с You или I) и каждое из Present Simpl, Present Continuous, Present Perfekt, Present Perfekt Continuous образовать в утвердительную, вопросительную, отрицательную форму (всего должно получиться 12 предложений (в каждом +?- форма))​


Ответ дал: Malika2003333


Present simple:I always go to the store

I don’t go to the store

Do you always go to the store?

Present continuous:I am taking a shower.I am not taking a shower.Are you taking a shower?

Present perfect:I have decided to go over there.I have not decided to go over there.Have you decided to go over there?

Present perfect continuous:I have been washing my face for an hour.I haven’t been washing my face for a long time.Have you been washing your face for 1 hour?


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