Complete the second sentence so that it has the same meaning as the first sentence.
London is usually colder than Rome. (hot) Rome is usually hotter than London

1 My dad is meaner than my mum. (generous)
My mum ....
2 Our cat is quieter than our dog. (noisy)
Our dog ...
3 David's painting is better than Daniel's. (bad)
4 Molly works faster than Isabel. (slow) Isabel .....
5 Noah and Dylan arrived later than us. (early)

VladKievsky: буду рад если ответ станет лучшим
sheisaz: спасибо большое
slyuda1955: Oшибки в ответе((
sheisaz: какие напиши
slyuda1955: Our dog is noisier than our cat.


Ответ дал: slyuda1955

1 My mum is more generous than my dad.

2 Our dog is noisier than our cat.

3 Daniel's painting is worse than David's.

4 Isabel works slower than Molly.

5 We arrived earlier than Noah and Dylan.

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