Поставьте глаголы в скобках в правильную форму:
1) Everything that (to put) before him on the table.
2) Then he quickly (to get) up and (to run) to his cabin.
3) Then he (to ask) the waiter to bring him the bill for dinner and supper he (to eat).
4) The waiter (to tell) him that the meals (to pay) for together with the ticket.
30 баллов за ответ)))


Ответ дал: tajushaaa
1. Has been putted
2. Got up and ran
3. Asked
4. Told в первой части, а во второй неправильно поставлено предложение.
Ответ дал: alina222266
1. Has been putted
2. Got up, run
3. Asked
4. Told
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