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Ответ дал: nunny

Complete the postcard with the present simple, present continuous, past

simple or the past continuous form of the verbs in brackets.

Dear Annie,

Greetings from Nur Sultan! It 1) (is) freezing cold here, but I 2) (am having) the time of my life! Yesterday, it 3) was (snowing) all day, so we 4) (visited), the famous Khan Shatyr shopping centre. As we 5) were (walking) around the shops, I 6) (saw) a beautiful red winter coat. I 7) (went) straight inside the shop to buy it. I 8) (am wearing) it today and I 9) (love) it! At the moment, I 10) am (sitting) in a lovely cafe and 11) (drinking ) a cup of hot chocolate. Tonight, we 12) (are going) skating on the frozen river. I can't wait!

See you when I get back,


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