Complete the three monsters` diary¹.

Yesterday Elfin ... (1) to the amusement park with Mike and Liz.
MORNING. They ... (2) on the swing with Elfin. Then he ... (3) on the slide.
12 O'CLOCK. They all ... (4) pizza and Elfin ... (5) orange juice at the cafe. Then they ... (6) bikes. They ... (7) a lot of fun.
4 O'CLOCK. They ... (8) home. They ... (9) tired but happy. СДЕЛАЙТЕ ПЛИЗ, СРОЧНО!!! :"


Ответ дал: zhadann15


1) went

2) played (?)

3) slid (?)

4) ate

5) drank

6) rode

7) had

8) got

9) were

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